Allison Huynh Makes Big Announcement

A major fundraiser for former President Barack Obama has made headlines by announcing her support for former President Donald Trump, citing President Joe Biden’s tenure as an “unmitigated disaster” for the United States.

Allison Huynh, a 48-year-old Vietnamese immigrant who co-founded an AI and robotics company acquired by Google, reportedly raised millions of dollars for Obama’s 2008 campaign, according to the New York Post.

“My role was to bring in Silicon Valley people for the $50,000- and $100,000-per-plate dinners,” Huynh explained. “[We] brought in [Google co-founders] Sergey [Brin], Larry [Page], and Eric [Schmidt]. Obama was a hopeful candidate who was outside of the system.”

However, Huynh has since distanced herself from the political Left and the Democratic Party, now identifying as an Independent and backing Trump. “Biden has been asleep at the wheel,” she said in a recent interview. “He’s allowed Big Tech as well as the looters to take over Silicon Valley. San Francisco has been the science experiment that’s gone awry. I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to, there’s no malls to take my teenage girls shopping to. The streets are not safe, there are more fentanyl users and dealers than high school students in our once great city.”

Huynh also reflected on Obama’s presidency, describing him as overly cautious. “When [Obama] came into power, he was very scared,” she said. “In his biography, he talked about being afraid of doing things because he didn’t want to ruin it for future Black leaders and Black presidents, and therefore, he let the government bureaucracy and red tape take over him, whereas Trump was very specific with coming out with great ideas to allow people to grow great wealth.”

Huynh argues that Biden’s policies are detrimental to the economy. “Biden is changing that,” she added, emphasizing that his policies are stifling economic growth.

Huynh’s shift in support from Obama to Trump underscores a growing sentiment among some former Democratic supporters who feel disillusioned with the current administration.

Her criticism highlights concerns about public safety, economic policy, and the influence of Big Tech, all of which she believes have worsened under Biden’s leadership. As the political landscape evolves, Huynh’s story reflects the complex and dynamic nature of voter allegiance in the United States.


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