Trump Sits Down For Town Hall

Former President Donald Trump was scheduled to debate Vice President Kamala Harris on Fox News last night, but Harris opted out, hosting a campaign event in New Hampshire instead. It was a strange choice, considering New Hampshire is solidly Democrat territory. The turnout was questionable too, as reports surfaced that the Harris camp had to bus people in to fill the venue—further fueling claims that her campaign is lacking genuine enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, Trump held a town hall with Sean Hannity in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, though the one-hour slot barely scratched the surface of everything that’s at stake. With the Biden administration’s policies driving America into the ground—whether it’s inflation, border crises, or foreign policy disasters—Trump was left trying to pack a mountain of issues into a single hour. It’s not enough time, especially considering the Biden White House’s failures are piling up faster than anyone can keep track.

Trump hit the nail on the head, pointing out the absurdity of 21 million people pouring across the border in just over three years. National security concerns are pushing mass deportation onto the table—something that’s gaining traction even with Hispanic voters, who see the crisis for what it is. And with Venezuelan gangs wreaking havoc in places like Aurora, Colorado, restoring control of the border is no longer an option—it’s a necessity.

Hannity posed a great question about the central theme of Trump’s 2024 campaign. Back in 2016, Trump was the voice of the forgotten Americans—the rural, working-class voters abandoned by elites in Washington. Trump reaffirmed that message last night, but there wasn’t enough time to dive into the details, like how his administration plans to crush inflation and restore the confidence of small businesses and consumers.

Biden claims “America is back,” but no one knows what that actually means, especially when it comes to foreign policy. We’re stuck in a quagmire in Ukraine with no clear end in sight, and Biden’s administration has offered no exit strategy. Trump, on the other hand, has a proven record of understanding how to wield the power of the presidency—something Biden seems incapable of doing. The difference is stark.

Despite the time constraints, Trump’s energy was palpable, and the crowd’s excitement showed where the momentum lies. His focus on winning New Hampshire is interesting, but as Hannity hinted, Pennsylvania—home to Harrisburg—is the true battleground that could deliver the knockout punch in 2024.

While the liberal media continues to misunderstand, misrepresent, or outright ignore Trump, the energy around him hasn’t faded. If anything, it’s only growing stronger. The focus now is on keeping that momentum and focusing on key states that could shape the future of the country.


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