Feder Judge Issues Temp Restraining Order Over Razor Wire Incident At Border

A federal judge has issued an emergency Temporary Restraining Order to prevent a disingenuous effort carried out by U.S. Border Patrol agents.

U.S. Border Patrol agents are instructed not to cut through or disassemble razor wire barriers. U.S. Border Patrol agents have been destroying razor wire barriers set up by Governor Abbott’s office in order to keep illegal immigrants safe while illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico territory. However, on Monday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Border Patrol agents (CBP) were now under a federal judge’s injunction.

The TRO (temporary restraining order) means that the federal government cannot trespass proper property that belongs to Texas citizens and keeps other citizens safe. The U.S. Border Patrol agents have been cutting razor wire from Abbott’s office intended to help the illegal aliens avoid injury while trespassing into the state.

The razor wire is being placed at hotspots along the border as a safety measure during Operation Lone Star. Operation Lone Star began in March 2021 in response to the worsening migrant crisis directly created by Biden’s lax border policies. It is clear that Joe Biden has no intention of protecting our southern border. He ignored similar pleas from border governors and has since continued to open the border, creating a dangerous and disturbing crisis that has evolved into the worst influx of illegal aliens in history.

News began to spread quickly, anticipating an emergency TRO. A lawsuit is filed by the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) to stop law enforcement from cutting razor wire from the Texas Property. Abbott’s office spoke out against the cost to the Texas taxpayers who have been facing enormous expenses in order to keep this standard measure in circulation.

Biden does not seem to care about the disastrous human and national security emergencies he has allowed to fester along the southern border. This is a fact that has been largely ignored by mainstream media. Despite this deliberate lack of response and even the decision by this presidential administration to end federal policies that secured the border with positive results, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has shown no signs of wavering. Efforts to keep the state safe just became more challenging for Abbott’s office this past week.

Before Federal Judge Alia Moses granted the state’s motion for an emergency TRO, The U.S. Department of Homeland Security delivered a forklift tractor in order to tear down the roughly two-mile-long span of razor wire, consequently allowing as many as 310 migrants to cross into Texas.

Moses, appointed by George W. Bush in 2002, noted the state of Texas met all the requirements to secure a temporary halt on an action by the federal government during a November 7th hearing in the Del Rio, Texas, court. Under the jurisdiction addressed by this judge’s TRO, which she stated will be in effect until a final decision of the case, explicitly exempts medical emergencies.

Moses said, “the Court shall grant the temporary relief requested, with one important exception for any medical emergency that mostly likely results in serious bodily injury or death to a person, absent any boats or other life-saving apparatus available to avoid such medical emergencies prior to reaching the legal required concertina wire barrier.”

Fortunately, the TRO issued by federal judge, Alia Moses, last Monday morning has now allowed Texas to stop cutting the wire until the November 7th hearing has ended. The Department of Homeland Security issues claims there is a federal law that protects illegal aliens from being injured during illegal border crossings.

It is clear that silence on the forklift tractors shall now follow for an undetermined amount of time. We can only wonder how long before some other increasingly bizarre method of allowing illegal migrants safe passage to the U.S. is implemented by Homeland Security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas.


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