Federal Judge Orders Cease To Temporary Freeze On Spending Freeze

Well, folks, here we go again—another unelected, activist judge trying to block President Trump from doing exactly what he was elected to do: clean up Washington’s out-of-control spending. This time, it’s Judge Loren AliKhan, a Biden-appointed left-wing ideologue, who has decided that the executive branch can’t even review how it’s spending trillions in taxpayer dollars without her personal approval.

Right after his inauguration, Trump announced a temporary freeze on federal grants and loans—a move designed to pause the endless money spigot that corporations and non-profits have been guzzling from for decades. This wasn’t about hurting everyday Americans, despite what the media and the leftist outrage machine are saying. The freeze targeted organizations that rely on these government handouts to stay afloat—many of which use that money to push left-wing activism under the guise of federal aid.

Naturally, this kind of move threatens the entire D.C. swamp, so lawsuits started flying. Enter Judge AliKhan, who wasted no time slapping down Trump’s executive order with a temporary restraining order while she and her colleagues try to figure out how to keep the gravy train rolling.

And here’s the kicker: this ruling isn’t even unique. Another federal judge in Rhode Island did the exact same thing last week—because, apparently, stopping to check where $3 trillion is going before handing it out again is too dangerous for democracy.

Let’s be clear—President Trump has the full legal authority to put a freeze on grants and loans in order to review their compliance with federal laws and executive orders. If judges can override his ability to do this, then what exactly is left of the executive branch? Is Trump supposed to sit in the Oval Office while judges, bureaucrats, and activist lawyers run the government instead?

The real issue here is that left-wing organizations have become dependent on federal funding. They act like they have a constitutional right to endless taxpayer money, as if they own these programs and Trump can’t touch them. That’s insanity.

This ruling is also a test case for whether Trump will be allowed to govern at all. We saw this during his first term: every time he tried to take control of the government, some random judge somewhere would issue a nationwide injunction, grinding his agenda to a halt. This is lawfare at its finest, and make no mistake—it’s all about obstructing Trump’s ability to do his job.

Expect the Trump administration to fast-track this case to the Supreme Court, because the D.C. Circuit is hopelessly compromised after Trump dared to pardon the January 6 protesters. The administration has already argued that Judge AliKhan didn’t even have the authority to hear this case in the first place, but that won’t stop her from pretending that she gets to dictate executive policy.

And let’s be real—Trump isn’t just going to sit back and take this. The man has read his Andrew Jackson, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he straight-up ignored this ridiculous ruling, daring AliKhan to try and enforce it. Because, guess what? Judges don’t have armies, and Trump was elected to run the country—not them.