Mitch McConnell, as the Senate Minority Leader, recently went after President Joe Biden as part of a Sunday statement after the president let a Chinese spy balloon make its rounds as it flew over the U.S. for a number of days last week.
McConnell’s statement takes place after the U.S> military made use of an F-22 Raptor this past Saturday in order to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon just off the coast of South Carolina by utilizing a single air-to-air A9X sidewinder missile that was shot at an altitude of roughly 58,000 feet.
“As usual when it comes to national defense and foreign policy, the Biden Administration reacted at first too indecisively and then too late,” exclaimed McConnell. “We should not have let the People’s Republic of China make a mockery of our airspace. It defies belief to suggest there was nowhere between the Aleutian Islands of Alaska and the coast of Carolina where this balloon could have been shot down right away without endangering Americans or Canadians. This was a reminder of the PRC’s brazenness and President Biden missed the opportunity to defend our sovereignty, send a message of strength, and bolster deterrence.”
The angry 80-year-old Kentucky Republican senator spotlights a number of subsequent reports which have managed to come to light concerning the Chinese spy balloons which have been operating in various other parts of the Americas and explaine4d that Old Uncle Joe needed to be working alongside the nation’s allies and partners in an effort to fight off the overbearing threat of “brazen Chinese espionage.”
“I hope the President’s belated decision to finally do the right thing carries over into his soon-to-be-released annual budget request,” McConnell went on to state. “Whether it’s spy balloons or spy satellites, hypersonic weapons or stealth aircraft, massive naval construction or nuclear stockpile expansion, China’s military modernization effort is no joke. Last year President Biden proposed an absurd budget that would have cut defense funding after inflation. Let’s hope his budget proposal this year is more decisive, serious, and strong than the embarrassment that just played out in our skies.”
Fox News reported this past Sunday that officials within the Biden administration seem to think that these Chinese spy balloons flew out over some parts of the U.S. while still under the administration of former President Donald Trump but heavily cautioned that the Trump administration did not seem to know about the incursions. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) seemed to suggest that it was not possible that the Chinese spy balloons were only found after Trump departed the Oval Office because the U.S. may have “only learned about them in retrospect by studying historical data.”