Ukrainian President Invites Trump to Visit Amid Promises of Ending War

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has issued a direct invitation to former President Donald Trump to visit the war-torn nation, following Trump’s recent pledge to end the conflict within 24 hours if reelected.

During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday, Zelenskyy responded to Trump’s promise by inviting him to Ukraine, stating that he could explain to the former president in just 24 minutes why the solution to the ongoing war in the country cannot be solved by a single individual. “He can’t bring peace because of Putin,” Zelenskyy said.

The Ukrainian president’s invitation to Trump comes amidst reports that the United States and European officials have quietly begun discussions around potential peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine.

When asked about the possibility of talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Zelenskyy stated that Ukraine cannot trust “terrorists,” and that they have no intention of entering negotiations with Putin. “If Russia will kill all of us, they will attack NATO countries, and you will send your sons and daughters,” Zelenskyy warned.

Zelenskyy also expressed his concerns about the potential consequences for the United States and NATO if they do not show increased support for Ukraine, stating that they could be drawn into a wider conflict. He urged the United States to provide more assistance and support for his country in their ongoing battle against Russian aggression.

President Joe Biden has called on Congress to approve a $106 billion supplemental spending bill, which includes $61.4 billion for Ukraine, $14.4 billion for Israel, $13.6 billion for border protection, and $10 billion for humanitarian aid. However, House Republicans under new Speaker Mike Johnson have passed their own spending proposal, which would fast-track $14.3 billion in aid for Israel but commit Ukraine aid as a separate matter. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has refused to bring the bill to a vote, and Biden has said he would veto it.

When asked if he feels defeated, Zelenskyy stated that he is feeling “strong” and has a lot of energy, but that “doesn’t mean we want to fight all of our lives.” He emphasized that Ukraine is not prepared to give their freedom to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that they will continue to fight for their sovereignty.

The Ukrainian president also rejected the notion that the war with Russia has reached a stalemate, stating that Ukraine has made significant progress in the conflict despite difficult circumstances. “They thought they would checkmate us, but this didn’t happen,” Zelenskyy said, emphasizing his country’s determination to continue the fight for their freedom.

With tensions still high between Ukraine and Russia, Zelenskyy’s invitation to Trump and his plea for increased support from the United States and NATO reflect the ongoing struggle for Ukraine’s sovereignty and their determination to stand up against Russian aggression.


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