Biden With AOC Speaks On Earth Day

As scenes of violence and harassment erupted on college campuses at the hands of pro-Hamas fanatics, President Joe Biden remained on vacation in Delaware. While the country needed a strong leader to address the escalating situation, Biden was enjoying another leisurely break. On Monday, as the president finally returned, he flew to a national park in Virginia to celebrate Earth Day alongside Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

However, this meeting was not without controversy. Ocasio-Cortez has a history of pushing policies that would lead to the destruction of the country and is a vocal supporter of Hamas. She has continuously called for punishing Israel for defending itself against terrorist attacks. She even broke down in tears after the House approved funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system. Had Ocasio-Cortez gotten her way, thousands of Israelis would have been killed by rockets, drones, and missiles in the last six months alone.

During their event, Biden praised Ocasio-Cortez, calling her “that lady” and promising to discuss another “part of the world” quickly. This statement is seen as a clear indication of the president’s support for her anti-Semitic views and appeasement of terrorists. The fact that Biden is “listening” to someone like Ocasio-Cortez raises questions about his leadership and priorities.

Instead of addressing the violence and unrest caused by Hamas supporters, Biden chose to focus on climate change. He cited recent forest fires as evidence of the urgent need to address this issue. However, almost every forest fire he mentioned has been proven to be caused by arson or mismanagement. Blaming climate change for these disasters is not backed by any evidence and is seen by many as a convenient narrative for Biden and other politicians.

Throughout the speech, Biden couldn’t resist making it about himself. He managed to insert personal anecdotes, claiming that he has been present for all major events despite his questionable attendance. However, Biden did make one small progress in his storytelling – he has stopped claiming that floating oil slicks gave him cancer.

One thing that remained consistent, however, is Biden’s inability to read a teleprompter coherently. Despite having a giant screen in front of him, he struggled to deliver a clear and concise message. This has become a worrying trend for the president, who seems to rely heavily on pre-written scripts and often stumbles over his words.

The lack of strong leadership and decisive action from Biden has been a recurring issue throughout his presidency, with many questioning his competence and judgment. The fact that he continues to prioritize photo-ops and pandering to controversial figures like Ocasio-Cortez over addressing pressing issues facing the country raises concerns about his ability to effectively lead the nation.

With tensions escalating in the Middle East and domestic issues such as rising crime rates and inflation, the American people are looking for a leader who can confidently and decisively address these challenges. Unfortunately, it seems that President Biden’s priorities lie elsewhere, and the consequences of his inaction could have far-reaching consequences.


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