DeSantis Deal Puts Disney In Its Place!

In a move that is sure to please Floridians, Governor Ron DeSantis has announced a bill to revoke a deal between Disney and a special district board that was hastily signed right before a new statecontrolled board was set to take over.

The agreement, which was recorded with the Orange County Comptroller on February 9, was made without the consent of the state and sought to give Disney control of the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

They thought they could create a development agreement that would render everything we did null and void,” DeSantis said during a press conference. “They thought they could create a development agreement that would render everything we did null and void. That’s not going to work, that’s not going to fly.

The governor is adamant that the agreement be revoked and has met with leaders in the Republicancontrolled House and Senate to ensure that the people‘s will is upheld.

“Whatever rationale there was 60 years ago to do that, clearly, now, we’re in a much different era as a state, we’ve got a lot of competitors that are treated differently, a lot of businesses and individuals treated differently” stated Desantis. “We dont want to do that. We want to make sure that Disney lives under the same laws as everybody else.”

The move appears to be a step in the right direction for the state of Florida, as it seeks to ensure that corporations are treated the same way as individuals. Many Floridians are in agreement with DeSantis, as evidenced by the recent elections that saw a clear majority in favor of maintaining a level playing field.

This is an important issue for the state, as it seeks to ensure that all businesses, big or small, are treated equally. It‘s also a good sign that the governor is listening to the people and is taking steps to ensure that the state‘s laws are upheld.

Only time will tell whether the bill is passed, but it appears that Disney‘s lastminute deal may be coming to an end.


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