Podcast Titan Calls For Americans To Vote Red Due To ‘Serious Errors’ Made In Handling The Pandemic

Joe Rogan, the podcasting titan himself, as part of the most recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” with guest Aaron Rodger, an NFL superstar quarterback, called on the American public that was forced to self-isolate and close down their homes, shut down their businesses, and were routinely harassed via various COVID-19 mandates throughout the entirety of the pandemic to “vote Republican.”

These comments from Rogan came out this past Saturday while he spoke about the various COVID vaccines with Rodgers, who is well known for refusing to get the vaccine.

Over the course of the almost three-hour long conversation, the pair joked around about the various legacy media corporations that praised vaccination as the be-all and end-all solution to the global pandemic and of the politicians who went against their own draconian mandates, primarily in Democrat-ran cities and states.

“I hope there are lessons learned in this because this is a new thing,” stated Rogan. “We had never had this before. No one who is alive today has ever experienced a true pandemic, and I’m hoping — that now that this is over — people are going to recognize that some serious errors were made and not repeat those.”

“That’s the best you can get out of it,” continued Rogan.

When Rodgers went on to ask Rogan what he would tell those who have lost their homes and livelihoods due to the government enforcing these mandates, Rogan stated to “vote Republican” with zero hesitation or worries.

Many Americans have already started to take the necessary steps to swap their voter registration status to Republican.

As stated in data analyzed by the Associated Press concerning voter registration, well over a million voters throughout 43 separate states have chosen to politically shift towards the Republican party.

The very same data set also highlighted that roughly 630,000 of those 1.7 million voters that chose to swap their party affiliation were previously registered as Democrats.

This trend of shift has most likely spawned due to the rhetoric from the Democrats and their response to the pandemic as a whole along with the Biden administration’s record shatteringly high gas prices coupled with the still raging crisis along the southern border.

It was recently reported by PBS that Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee Chair, told the Associated Press this past June that many American suburbs would be now trending red for the foreseeable future.

“Biden and Democrats are woefully out of touch with the American people, and that’s why voters are flocking to the Republican Party in droves,” expressed McDaniel.

Additionally, the Wall Street Journal also reported that an economic study that was made public in April of 2021 highlighted that the pandemic ended in about 800,000 u.S. establishments being forced to permanently shut down throughout the first year of the viruses outbreak which is almost 200,000 more than in a typical recent year.

Rogan strengthened his statements by highlighting a response from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has weathered the storm of endless criticism and vitriol from the various members of the liberal media for maintaining his state more openly with “reasonable” policies such as protecting the elderly and making medical care more available to everyone.

“And everyone else should be able to do whatever you want to do and protect your freedom,” expanded Rogan.


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