Transcript Corrections Raises Eyebrows

Recent corrections made to President Biden’s transcripts have sparked concern and debate as speculation about the president’s mental acuity continues to swirl. Through the first four months of his presidency, a total of 148 corrections have been made to 118 statements, speeches, and interviews. Many of these corrections center on minor facts, such as names, dates, and titles of organizations. However, several changes have significantly altered the meaning of the president’s statements, leading some to question the accuracy and reliability of the White House’s official transcripts.

The most recent corrections occurred during Biden’s Saturday commencement speech at Morehouse College, a historically black institution, where he mentioned white supremacy. However, in a transcript released by the White House, the term was absent, leading to speculation from critics about the intent behind the omission. Biden also seemed to struggle with dates, claiming to have been directed by former President Obama to “fix” Detroit during the “pandemic,” despite the fact that the Obama administration ended in 2017.

During a speech at a NAACP event in Detroit on Sunday evening, Biden continued to make errors, including referring to January 6th defendants as “erectionists” instead of “insurrectionists.” The error was later corrected, but the fact that it made it into the official transcript raised eyebrows. Additionally, Biden claimed that he had spent a significant amount of time in Detroit as vice president, despite only visiting the city twice during his eight years in office.

The sheer number of corrections made to Biden’s official transcripts has raised concerns about the president’s mental sharpness. Some have pointed to these errors as evidence of cognitive decline, questioning whether Biden is fit to serve as president. Others have argued that the constant corrections undermine the credibility and trustworthiness of the White House and the administration as a whole.

What is particularly concerning to many is the fact that several corrections have been made stealthily, without any acknowledgment or announcement from the White House. These “stealth edits” have gone largely unnoticed and unreported by the mainstream media, leading to accusations of bias and cover-ups. Critics argue that if these errors were made by former President Trump, the media would be relentlessly reporting on them, but because it involves their preferred candidate, they have chosen to remain silent.

Despite efforts by the White House to downplay the significance of these corrections, they continue to draw scrutiny and further speculation about Biden’s mental acuity. Some have even called for an independent evaluation of the president’s cognitive abilities, similar to what was done for former President Trump. Others have suggested that the constant need for corrections highlights a larger issue within the administration and raises questions about the competency of those responsible for drafting the transcripts. Whichever way you look at it, these corrections have become a focal point for critics and supporters alike.

The lack of transparency surrounding these corrections has only added fuel to the fire. With a president who has faced repeated questions about his mental health, the American public deserves to know the truth and have access to accurate information. Many argue that these constant corrections only add to the growing mistrust and division in the country, and the media’s silence on the matter only compounds the issue.


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