Dan Bongino Has The Left Frothing At The Mouth

American conservatives have been alarmed by what they called theleft‘s relentless crusade to foist LGBT ideology onto children through books, drag events, children‘s shows, and in classrooms.

In what has become a growing point of contention among United States political rivals, conservative firebrand Dan Bongino took another swipe at liberals for allegedly beingobsessed with talking about sex with kids.

Speaking to Fox News, Bongino said,Libs are obsessed with talking to your kids about sex, having sex, how to have sex, their sex lives, others sex lives, straight sex, gay sex, multiple sex partners, young people having sex, sexchanges,’ and worse. If this doesn‘t disturb you, then you‘re not paying attention.”

The left is absolutely obsessed with discussing sex with your kids, says EVERYTHING you need to know. Sick,” he added.

Bongino‘s recent tweets have drawn harsh reactions from some liberal circles.

Novelist Stephen King was one of the first to hit back against Bongino‘s comments, tweeting,You used the word 10 times in one sentence. Sounds like you‘re the one who‘s obsessed.”

Truth hurts. That‘s why he writes fiction,” Bongino retorted.

Bongino‘s stance against liberals has been echoed by conservative commentators, many of whom feel the cultural changes wrought by the left have the potential to be damaging to children.

Kathy Barnette, a conservative media commentator, questioned the merits of teaching gendertransition measures such as puberty blockers, crosssex hormones and surgeries to minors.

We shouldn‘t push these kinds of things on our kids,” Barnes told Fox News.We need to make sure that our kids are being taught accurate and scientific information and not being indoctrinated with leftist ideology.”

However, not all liberals agree with Bongino‘s belligerent line of argument.

Annalise Glickman, executive director of Families USA, a liberal policy organization, told Fox News,It‘s important to create a safe, inclusive space for kids to discuss issues related to sex and gender. We must teach them to love and accept each other as well as to respect different sexual orientations and gender identities. In the end, every child should be granted the right to choose their own path.”

Regardless of political orientation, this issue is unlikely to go away anytime soon. It remains to be seen how both presidential candidates will address this in the coming months. Either way, the left and the right must find a way to compromise and come to an agreement on how best to protect children.


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