Former NBA Coach Makes Insane Claim Comparing Biden’s Student Loan Bailout To Miracle Of Jesus

As a loud and proud supporter of Old Uncle Joe, Stan Van Gundy sprinted to social media to post up a storm on Friday evening to criticize Republicans while also taking time to compare the student loan forgiveness from President Biden to a miracle handed down by Jesus Christ himself.

Van Gundy, who is most well known for being the coach of the New Orleans Pelicans, posted a meme to social media that depicted the biblical account of Jesus feeding a large group of people with a pair of fish and a loaf of bread. The former NBA coach captioned the post “Republican logic.”

“Jesus’s miracle of the loaves and fishes was a slap in the face to all people who brought their own lunch,” stated the satirical post.

While a few people went along with and approved of the meme posted by Van Gundy, quite a few more highlighted the apparent issues with his extreme comparison. Biden’s erasure of this student debt of up to $10,000 per borrower will cost roughly $300 billion in 2022 alone, as reported by a nonpartisan analysis carried out by the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and fish, as seen in the gospel of Matthew, was actually a miracle of God.

“Where did the loaves and fishes come from, Stan?” Noam Blum stated.

More people were fast to highlight the issues with, and subsequently mock, the former coach’s odd understanding of both the Bible and economics as a whole.

“VG obviously doesn’t understand what a student loan is. And doesn’t understand where his loaves and fishes came from,” stated one person on Twitter.

“Obviously you don’t know the scriptures. Biden’s school loan bailout is entirely different. You don’t steal from the poor to feed the rich,” chimed in another person.

Recently, the Brookings Institution observed that just over one-third of all student debt is owed by the top 20% of households, all while just 8% is owed by the bottom 20% of households. This discrepancy most likely comes from the fact that graduate degrees are often needed for the most lucrative professions and cost much more.

All the while, Those sporting lower incomes who did not go to college could be slammed with even more economic burdens due to the fallout caused by the intensely massive student loan forgiveness program from Biden.

“Every dollar spent on student loan relief is a dollar that could have gone to support those who don’t get the opportunity to go to college,” exclaimed Larry Summers, who was formerly a presidential advisor to Barack Obama. “Student loan debt relief is spending that raises demand and increases inflation. It consumes resources that could be better used helping those who did not, for whatever reason, have the chance to attend college. It will also tend to be inflationary by raising tuitions.”


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